Chorionic Villus Sampling

The information obtained from chorionic villus sampling is the same as that from amniocentesis.

Chorionic villus sampling is performed at 11-14 weeks.

PCR test for Down’s syndrome will be available 2 days later.

Karyotype test results will be available 15 days later.

Array CGH test results will be available 15 days later.

The procedure involves introducing a needle through the abdominal wall guided by ultrasound imaging. A small amount of placental tissue is obtained with a needle for chromosomal analysis. This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. The risk of miscarriage as a result of this procedure is less than 1%. If the foetus is found to be severely abnormal, the pregnant woman can undergo a relatively safe early termination of pregnancy by suction evacuation. As compared to the late diagnosis with amniocentesis, the pregnant woman will benefit both physically and psychologically