Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is a procedure where the husband’s washed sperm is put into the wife’s uterus to improve the chance of pregnancy.

The IUI procedure involves:

Ovarian stimulation involves:
  • Oral Clomid
  • Gonadotrophins
  • Attend the clinic on day 2 or 3 of cycle for vaginal scan to exclude ovarian cysts and blood hormone tests.
  • The couple has to sign a consent form for IUI and the marriage certificate has to be checked.
  • Oral clomid, gonadotrophins injection can then be given.
  • Monitoring of ovarian response is important to prevent excessive follicular development and to guide the time of insemination. This is performed with vaginal scan 5 days after medication and subsequent scanning will be performed as necessary. We aim at 1-3 mature follicles.
  • Ovulation trigger in the form of hCG injections will be administered when the average diameter of the largest follicle is ≥ 18mm.
  • The husband has to give a semen sample produced at home or in the laboratory, on the day of ovulation and 2 hours before insemination. The sperms are separated from the other components of semen and highly concentrated in a small volume.
  • Sperm freezing (if required): Sperm freezing is a method of preserving sperms. In accordance with the Code of Practice on Reproductive Technology in Hong Kong, frozen semen samples can be kept for a maximum of ten years.
  • If intra-uterine insemination or in-vitro fertilization is performed, the husband has to provide a semen sample on the day of the procedure. If the husband is unable to provide a fresh sample on the day of the procedure due to his physical condition or for other reasons, he may choose to use sperm that has been frozen earlier.

The patient is placed in a lithotomy position. A speculum is placed in the vagina and the cervical area is gently cleansed. The washed specimen is placed in the uterine cavity using a sterile, flexible catheter. This is similar to a pap smear test. There should be little or no discomfort.

Cancellation of Cycle

IUI procedure has to be cancelled if ultrasound shows too many developing follicles. The patient is also advised to avoid sex that cycle to avoid multiple pregnancies.

Conversion to IVF cycle

This has to be discussed with the patient beforehand that such an option is feasible and they understand fully the implication, procedures, complication rate and success rate on switching to IVF-ET.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Sperm Preparation