Counselling on Assisted Reproductive Technology

Our centre would provide you with non directive counselling according to the guidelines set by the Code of Practice. In order to maximise your understanding and to minimise your doubts about fertility treatment, we would explain to you in detail whether you are suitable to undergo reproductive technology treatment, the treatment options, the implications and limitations of treatment, the process of each treatment, the success rates and complications of the procedures.
In general, couples who have infertility problems will feel anxious and helpless. However, most of them will succeed in having their own children, if they are not old and are insistent and persistent in receiving fertility treatment.

The biggest challenge in fertility treatment is despair and frustration brought about by treatment failure. The couple has to accept the fact that even with the most precise and successful treatment like in vitro fertilisation treatment, the success rate per treatment cycle is less than 50%. In view of this, we suggest three full treatment cycles as one unit to assess the success rate. This will raise the cumulative success rate while relatively decreases the stress associated with each treatment cycle.
We will provide repeated guidance and counselling throughout the treatment process. For IVF cycles, the treatment protocol will be reviewed and adjusted after each egg collection and each embryo transfer procedure. You will be referred for specialist counselling or support group counselling as required. If there are repeated treatment failures, we would counsel you on adjusting your expectations and on whether to give up treatment using own eggs or sperms.

Other choices of treatment

  • Egg donation or sperm donation
  • If the male partner has no sperm or has severe sperm abnormality, sperm donation can be considered. If the female partner has no egg or has very poor egg quality, egg donation can be considered. According to the Code of Practice on Reproductive Technology&Embryo Research, the donor must be evaluated by the doctor for fitness to donate and for screening of genetic diseases and transmissible diseases. In Hong Kong, donation must not be performed on a commercial basis.

  • Adoption
  • Adoption can be considered after failure of fertility treatment or when the couple decides to give up fertility treatment.

  • Embryo donation
  • Choose to remain childless